
If you wish to know everything about your electronic cigarettes to enhance your vape experience, it may be time to explore atomizers.

Most vapers are fulfilled with their all-in-one kit with a battery and a clearomizer, experienced vapers may be curious to discover more and customize their vape. This is where rebuildable atomizers come in as an interesting alternative.

An atomizer, another name for the clearomizer, works the same way with the e-liquid being drawn to the coil to be vaporized. However, it has an important difference that allows you to make your own coil and optimize each setting of your vape.

Do you wish to start the rebuildable adventure? Then, discover all the equipment necessary on our website whether you’re a beginner or an expert. Our selection of RTA or RDTA tanks, RDA or BF drippers only awaits for you for a vape that suits you!




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What is a rebuildable atomiser made for?

The rebuildable atomiser is the best way of discovering a new vaping experience, very different from what a clearomiser can offer. Indeed, an atomiser (or ‘atty’) can produce more accurate flavours and a thicker vapour, depending on which coil is used.

Unlike most clearomisers, atomisers are specifically designed to produce more faithful flavours. In the same way, some attys are built to produce a lot more vapour than clearomisers ever can.

Rebuildable atomisers also save you a lot of money in the long run. Indeed, you can make your own coil, which quickly pays for itself given how cheap they are and how often you have to change them. The price of a bag of cotton and a spool of wire is equal to that of a pack of 5 ready-made coils, and you can make dozens of coils before you run out of materials!

You only need a few accessories to start making your first coils, such as a pair of wire cutters or a screwdriver!

What is an atomiser made of?

In most cases, an atomiser is made up of:

  • a base where the ‘airflow’ ring is, which allows you to adjust the amount of air that flows through the atomiser.
  • a build deck, where you install the coil.
  • a chimney, which sometimes has a system for adjusting the flow of e-liquid.
  • a tank, which is usually transparent and made of borosilicate glass (Pyrex), Ultem or PMMA.
  • a drip tip, which is the name given to the mouthpiece, whose shape can vary depending on what feel you’re looking for and how hot you want your vapour to be when it leaves the atomiser.

How does a rebuildable atomiser work?

Rebuildable atomisers work in the same way as clearomisers do, as they both vapourise an e-liquid.

Atomisers work on the same principle as clearomisers. They have a coil, made of one or several resistive wires wrapped around a fibre wick, usually made of organic cotton or sometimes silica. Thanks to capillary action, the e-liquid is absorbed by the wick and subsequently vapourised when the coil is heated by the e-cigarette’s battery.

However, a rebuildable atomiser isn’t as restrictive as its cousin the clearomiser. It’s available in many different formats. For example, the deck can be above or beneath the tank. Some even use stainless steel wicks to bring the liquid into contact with the cotton. You'll be able to discover what vaping truly has to offer, thanks to the myriad of available setups.

What’s the difference between a clearomiser and an atomiser?

The fundamental difference between a clearomiser and an atomiser lies in the atomising chamber. Unlike a clearomiser where you must install a ready-made coil sold by the manufacturer, an atomiser lets you build your own coil, which is a nice alternative.

You can customise your vape to a greater extent with a rebuildable atomiser than with a clearomiser. You are free to adjust your coil to suit your own needs, whether you prefer precise flavours, lots of vapour, or you want to discover the temperature control mode.

You’ll also notice a difference in terms of spending, as the initial investment for making your own coils is quickly recouped when you compare it to how much pre-built coils cost.

Choosing a rebuildable atomiser

In order to choose an appropriate atomiser for your electronic cigarette, you need to know the three main types of rebuildable atomisers:

  • RTAs, meaning Rebuildable Tank Atomisers, are the most common devices. They’re the classic atomiser, meaning they are fitted with a tank that holds the e-liquid, and they have a build deck, an atomising chamber and a chimney.
  • RDAs, or Rebuildable Dripper Atomisers. An RDA is a dripper, it doesn’t have a tank and therefore has to be filled manually in order to soak the wick. It’s very useful for tasting e-liquids, because the flavours aren’t ‘blocked’ by the extra parts a classic atomiser has. Drippers are also great for Power Vaping.
  • RDTAs, or Rebuildable Dripping Tank Atomisers. They’re a hybrid of RTA and RDA that offers a dripper feel without having to constantly pour liquid onto the coil, as RDTAs have an e-liquid tank beneath the build deck.

As you can see, all rebuildable atomisers are different, whether it’s because of their aesthetic, their deck (single, dual or quad coils), or their airflow. As is the case for e-liquids, every vaper will like something different!

If you prefer accurate flavours at the expense of vapour, we recommend a simple atomiser. A single-coil RTA or RDTA like the Precisio MTL or Titanide’s Leto will help you get the most out of your favourite e-liquid.

Conversely, if you prefer puffing huge clouds of vapour, we recommend an atomiser with a bigger deck, so that you can equip dual coils for example. The Kylin V2 from Vandy Vape or the Zeus X from Geek Vape are perfect for this. Note that you’ll be consuming more e-liquid and more battery, though.

Choosing a deck for your rebuildable atomiser

Choosing a deck, and more generally a rebuildable atomiser, will depend on your experience and your needs. If you’re relatively new, we recommend a simple deck with two posts for fitting just one coil (a ‘single coil’ deck).

However, if you prefer dual coils and want to produce more vapour, for example, then Velocity type decks are what you want. Kits like Vapefly’s Brunhilde are what you’re looking for.

Furthermore, there are more and more ‘postless’ decks nowadays. This type of deck doesn’t have any visible posts. The coils are screwed in vertically, which saves a lot of space, and consequently leaves room for a bigger e-liquid tank. Hellvape’s Dead Rabbit atomiser is the one behind this revolutionary system.

Tank atomisers

The rebuildable tank atomiser is the most common type today because it lets you carry a large amount of e-liquid.

There are two main atomiser categories, as we mentioned earlier. RTAs have their deck beneath the tank, protected by the atomising chamber. RDTAs, for their part, have the same deck and qualities as a dripper, but with a tank beneath the deck.

By allowing you to make your own coils and enjoy a more faithful taste of your favourite eliquids, tank atomisers offer a great alternative to clearomisers.


The dripper is a bit of an unusual atomiser. Also known as an RDA, it doesn’t have a tank and the user has to manually soak the coil’s wick whenever he vapes.

The dripper is very popular among DIY vapers who make their own e-liquid, as it allows them to test their mixtures without filling a whole tank. Its design and operation are perfect for tasting and also for producing large vapour clouds, depending on which model you choose. Some are even compatible with bottom-feeder mods, thus removing the need to constantly drip more eliquid.

High end atomisers

The rebuildable atomiser has inspired many artisans and craftsmen, known as ‘modders’ in the vape world, to create their own kits. These are often made in very limited series, as the devices are handmade and carefully manufactured.

These kits are often made from high-quality materials, which offer a flawless conductivity. You’ll also find some surprising innovations that’ll make your vape that much more comfortable. Some of them are real collector items.

How to build your own coil

As we said earlier, rebuildable atomisers allow you to make your own coils. This is great for your wallet, as it’ll save you quite a bit of money in the long run. It’s also great in terms of vaping quality, as you can fully customise your vape down to the last detail.

You don’t need much equipment to make coils. A pair of wire cutters, some scissors, a spool of resistive wire and some cotton are all you need. Making a coil is a fairly simple process if you take the time to do it right.

You can build the ultimate coil for your specific needs, from its ohmage to the type of wire it’s made from. You can adjust your coil for direct or indirect inhaling, as well as play around with its shape, making complex dual coil, clapton or genesis builds, for example.

More information on atomisers

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